Privacy Policy

We recognise the importance of data security and we abide by strict rules and protocols to ensure both your safety and your satisfaction. Please see below for a run down on our privacy policy and your rights.

1. Overview

Picster Ltd. (“Picster”) is a photography marketplace that sells photoshoots online on a number of different channels.
Picster specialises in sourcing a freelance photographer to provide the service to the end user (consumer). Obviously through this process Picster comes into contact with a lot of personal information. It is of Picster’s utmost concern to ensure that this information is treated sensitively and with due care and attention. The following policy outlines and governs the treatment of data that is collected by Picster in the normal business operations. Through using the service that Picster provides, you, the user, consent to the data collection and usage practices described in this Policy.

2. Collection

Through the standard operating conditions and practices that Picster undertakes, Picster will collect personal information, general data and sensitive information from the users of the service, website and associated channels. This information can range from name and email address, through to payment and billing information and personal images. Picster will never publish, sublicense or use your images for commercial purposes without your prior consent.

3. Your personal information

The collection and use of your personal data is purely for the purpose of providing a more tailored and personalised experience. Through the collection of this data, we can offer you price reductions, similar products and generally improve on our service. We will never sell, rent or lease any personal data to other companies and we will always use it only for its intended purpose. The only body that we will (potentially) release your personal data to is a legal body, and only if we are specifically requested to do so in order to (a) conform with the law of the specific country, (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Picster, or c)  to protect the personal safety of users of the Picster service or the general public.

4. Cookies

The Picster site and oher associated sites may use “cookies” to help you personalise your online experience. For reference, a cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a web page server. By definition a cookie cannot be used to affect your settings, implement programs or infect your computer with viruses. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.Cookies are delivered to your hard disk to help personalise your experience and save you time. You’ll notice a difference between a non-cookie experience and a cookie experience though website functionality. On your first visit you might be greeted with a welcome pop-up for example, whereby on your second or third visit you may be lucky enough to get a discount code. Importantly, you always have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but Picster urges you to make your own choices here if you would rather not accept cookies.

5. Minors and under-age users of the website

Children and people under the age of eighteen must ask their parents or guardians for permission to use this website. Please use hello@getpicster if you have any questions on this specific data collection topic.

6. Time

We only keep your personal information for a reasonable period of time. In the majority of circumstances, we keep the personal data for a maximum period of 6 months. However there are some instances whereby we may have to keep it longer than that - to a maximum of 12 months. As a general rule: once we know that you’re happy with the service that we’ve provided you with, we’ll delete your personal data at the end of the following month.

7. Your Rights

You can contact us at any time to ask for the removal or rectification of your personal data. Furthermore, you can ask us for a copy of any and all data that we hold about you. If you’d like more information on this specific section, or any of the information contained in this Policy, please feel free to email: and we will endeavour to assist you in as short a period as possible.